Breaking News: Texas Veteran Takes Up the Unbelievably Dangerous Sport of … Attending a Choir Concert!

In a world where attending a school choir concert can make the bravest of souls tremble, meet Joshua Raines, a combat veteran who boldly ventured into a crowd of screaming children and their slightly-off-key harmonies. As it turns out, joining a sea of parents clutching snacks and smartphones was not the cakewalk he expected. Instead, it was a one-way ticket to Anxiety City with a layover in Panic Town!

Raines, who apparently decided his son’s melodious rendition of “Let It Go” was worth risking his mental peace for, felt the full weight of “oh no, people” hit him like a ton of bricks. With the grace of a gazelle on roller skates, our hero’s hand began to shake as a prelude to what can only be described as a “thrilling” seizure warning. So naturally, what did he do? He stepped outside to indulge in a side of tobacco to calm his nerves. Surprise! It didn’t work.

In a plot twist worthy of the next James Bond movie, he hurried home and declared "enough is enough!" He reached for his secret weapon: the infamous weed vape pen, which reportedly has all the stealth of a marching band. “I only use this for anxiety,” he noted, as if declaring that using a cannabis pen was akin to shoveling salads into his mouth—a real health nut over here. Just imagine the chaos this would unleash at family dinners!

While smoking his pen (not to be confused with other dubious vaping practices), Raines had a revelation: his sole purpose was to fight for cannabis legalization, all while maintaining a double life as “Soldier Daddy.” Yes, folks, he’s like Batman but with fewer masks and possibly more munchies.

Enter the great Texas political circus, where lawmakers are juggling their opinions on medical cannabis like clumsy clowns. One minute they’re screaming “No more marijuana!” and the next, they’re flirting with the idea of easing restrictions for PTSD and severe pain. Because who needs consistency when you have dramatic floor debates as your entertainment?

Rep. Stephanie Klick, bless her heart, stood on the floor and earnestly tried to convince fellow legislators that cannabis could be the miracle cure for the state’s woes, while others echoed “What if people get high, then could they get a little too chill?” Oh no, heaven forbid! The horror!

Raines, while eyeing the legislative process with the same hope a kid has for snow days, is bashfully holding onto dreams of a future where he can walk into Publix without feeling like a fugitive hiding from the munchies police. He expressed his desire to be an active family man rather than a hero lurking in the shadows fueled by the wacky weed. “If this bill passes, I might even be able to take my kids to Chuck E. Cheese someday! Without fear!”

Forget the “war on drugs,” this is a battle for musicals, family outings, and perhaps, just maybe, a bite of hash brownies.

As everyone holds their breath and waits up to May for Texas leaders to weigh in on this high-stakes medical cannabis debate, one thing is for sure: If you need someone to combine the noble quest for healing with a choir concert, Raines is your guy. Step aside, action heroes; we’ve got the ultimate warrior of public anxiety in the vicinity—armed with a vape pen and a little bit of courage!

🚨 Disclaimer Alert! 🚨

Before you start drafting conspiracy theories on your fridge with magnets—just know this is satire! For the actual, no-nonsense, non-bong-infused version of this news story, head over to , www.texastribune.org (where facts wear suits and don’t tell jokes).

We highly recommend reading both versions—one for the truth, and one for the chaotic energy you didn’t know you needed. 😆🔥

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