Headline: ✨🎩 Get Ready for the Most Unhinged Magic Show This Side of the Cannabis Patch: Smokus Pocus Hits Philly! 🌿🎤

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and other fans of botanical magic! Prepare yourselves for a “mind-blowing” spectacle where the only thing disappearing is your common sense: Smokus Pocus! Yes, Philadelphia is set to host a cannabis-themed magic show featuring the one and only, Ben Zabin—a magician who somehow decided to spice up his tricks with a whole lotta grass. Because why just pull a rabbit out of a hat when you could pull out… well, let’s just say, different kinds of herbs? 🌱🪄

This audacious event will take place at the Plays & Players Theatre, located in the wildly sophisticated Rittenhouse—where the coffee is strong, but the weed laws could probably use a stiff drink. As the stateside legalization rollercoaster continues, Zabin will be cramming his show into Pennsylvania, where possession might be decriminalized but your chances of catching a contact high are definitely not!

Zabin is here to dazzle audiences with his unique talents after a storied career that includes being a magician on cruise ships (because nothing says "combined skill set" like performing tricks and dealing with seasick patrons), all the while being a secret weed dealer in Boston. Smooth move, Houdini! What could possibly go wrong?

Catering primarily to the 21-and-over crowd (that’s right, kiddos—take your crayons and coloring books elsewhere), audiences can expect an immersive experience that’s one part comedy, two parts crowd interaction, and three parts confusion—all garnished with a generous amount of marijuana paraphernalia. Why just disappear a coin when you can turn a bong into a… well, another bong? Zabin announces that he’s bringing bongs, vapes, one-hitters, and a senior citizen reminder of “how to make it work” because the only thing more awkward than talking about your first-time smoking experience is actually attending a magic show while you’re zoning out!

And if you think that old-school rabbit trick was impressive, wait until you see Zabin juggle “embarrassing first-time” stories while attempting to keep a straight face. Spoiler alert: it’s gonna be cringe-worthy, like watching your uncle try to dance at a wedding! 💃🕺

Earlier shows took place in, get this—a CHURCH. Yes, folks, where the only high you were supposed to catch was from the holy spirit! But after a potent tour across the land of milk and honey (and weed), Zabin is now taking his act national, with a residency in Las Vegas. Because clearly, who wouldn’t want to see pot-fueled magic in the city that never sleeps—mostly due to the munchies? 🍔✨

But let’s get real for a second: if you’re expecting to spar with your local stoners while chainsmoking inside the theater, think again! The fine folks behind Smokus Pocus kindly request that you don’t light up. I know, shocking news! Apparently, smoking pot in a weed-inspired magic show would be like juggling chainsaws at a baby shower. Yikes!

So, if you’ve ever wondered what happens when a magician decides to host a weed-themed spectacle (and why he wouldn’t simply just stick to doves), grab your tickets before they vanish faster than your high school crush’s chance at a decent prom date!

It’s Smokus Pocus: the show where the magic is questionable, the tricks are ridiculous, and the bongs will be at least three times more entertaining than your last Zoom meeting!

Get your early-bird ticket while they last! Just remember, whether you roll up or roll in sober, this show guarantees a laugh—if not a contact high. 🤷‍♂️✨

Tickets available now for the mind-bending price of $30. Don’t worry; it’s cheaper than your last attempt at cooking a 4-course meal post-holiday munchies!

Saturday, Feb. 24, 8 p.m.
Plays & Players Theatre, 1714 Delancey St., Philadelphia, PA

And please—bring your own laughter; we hear it’s the best accessory! 😂🍃✨

🚨 Disclaimer Alert! 🚨

Before you start drafting conspiracy theories on your fridge with magnets—just know this is satire! For the actual, no-nonsense, non-bong-infused version of this news story, head over to , www.phillyvoice.com (where facts wear suits and don’t tell jokes).

We highly recommend reading both versions—one for the truth, and one for the chaotic energy you didn’t know you needed. 😆🔥

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