Breaking News: The Strangest Author Interview During a Global Health Crisis

In an unforeseen twist of fate that only the universe could orchestrate, Samantha Irby, the literary wizard known for her sparkling wit and knack for turning daily disasters into gold, has recently discovered the true joys of illness while promoting her new book, Quietly Hostile. Yes, folks, she contracted COVID! But wait, that’s not all—her toddler thought it would be adorable to bring home hand, foot, and mouth disease. Are we laughing yet? Because if not, we are certainly crying.

Picture this: a cozy spring day, birds chirping, flowers blooming, and in one household, a scene that rivals an apocalyptic blockbuster. Irby is racing against the clock during the great “Stay-at-Home Olympics,” and of course, her biggest challenge? Fetching a corn dog from a gas station without summoning the grim reaper. “IF YOU SO MUCH AS LOOK AT AN UBER YOU WILL DIE,” she dramatically proclaims, as if reciting the latest horror novel instead of an anecdote from her life.

Ah yes, The Last Normal Day, the second essay of her new collection, takes readers on a magical journey back to March 2020—a time when we all were experts at grocery shopping while simultaneously contemplating if we’d ever see daylight again. Irby’s portrayal of her gas station escapade is like Mission Impossible, but instead of dodging bullets, she is desperately avoiding fellow humans and desperately praying that no one notices the corn dog she’s clutching like it’s a rare artifact.

Once described as the “great bard of our quarantine” by the New York Times (no pressure, right?), Irby encapsulates our collective cringe-worthy moments in an uproariously funny way. One minute you’re basking in the joys of a good poop—truly a life milestone—and the next, she’s dropping truth bombs about the state of America and how we are, quite frankly, one tragic sitcom away from being the punchline in our own lives.

In a recent tête-à-tête, Samantha shared her thoughts on our collective freakout from those early quarantine days. “We didn’t know who was right. Turns out lots of people were wrong—and that’s okay,” she mused, as if suggesting we were all merely stars in a cosmic pratfall.

Buoyed by nostalgia and some questionable creativity, she attempts to pinpoint the minutiae that sparks inspiration. “Oh that irritated me,” is often the starting point for what somehow morphs into a, let’s say, not-so-little treatise of human absurdity, all while avoiding the sweet siren call of her ‘drafts’ folder that’s likely packed with untold stories and maybe a takeout menu or two.

But here’s where it gets even juicier: while reflecting on the forever-waving banner of youthful angst and romance, she unveils the very essence of all our adolescent lives—an epic mishmash of hormones and bad decisions. This author can instantly transport you back to that cringe-worthy moment when you thought gaining popularity required ignoring your very first crush—the “forever” decision not to speak to him again, even in the midst of a life-altering pandemic.

Speaking of disasters, Irby couldn’t help but share her heated concern about our friendly neighborhood AI overlords—yup, the robots are coming! “You can’t trust AI with a doctor’s job!” she exclaimed, as we all collectively shudder at the thought of ChatGPT diagnosing us based on a sneeze and a GIF. But as we all know, there’s plenty of nostalgia for those good ol’ internet days when we could make friends from the comfort of our messy bedrooms instead of getting lost in a digital maze of bots and bad algorithms.

In the end, this author finds herself gathering her painful yet hilarious memories into a glorious tapestry of hilarity—an invitation for us all to share that crowning achievement of quarantine life: the ability to convince ourselves that staying indoors was actually a choice, not a prison sentence. So grab your virtual corn dog, fix yourself a fancy, overpriced drink, and let’s collectively mourn the last normal day… and probably the last time we ever speak of Dave Matthews Band without feeling a twist of teenage angst combined with a triumphant sense of liberation!

🚨 Disclaimer Alert! 🚨

Before you start drafting conspiracy theories on your fridge with magnets—just know this is satire! For the actual, no-nonsense, non-bong-infused version of this news story, head over to , www.motherjones.com (where facts wear suits and don’t tell jokes).

We highly recommend reading both versions—one for the truth, and one for the chaotic energy you didn’t know you needed. 😆🔥

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