Title: Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson: Wrestling’s Most Supportive Friend and Vince Russo’s Great Existential Crisis

In the wild and wacky world of professional wrestling, where leaps from top ropes are as common as flips in a soap opera plot, Vince Russo decided to do something that could only be described as "bold"—or maybe just "extremely misguided." Picture this: it’s 1999, and Russo, having figured out how to annihilate all logic in one fell swoop, jumps ship from WWE to the rival circus known as WCW. Was it a strategic power move or a desperate cry for help? You decide!

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, the man who could probably bench-press a bus and still have time for a friendly chat, was understandably asked about his thoughts on Russo’s bold decision to change allegiances like a squirrel on caffeine. In the latest episode of VICE’s mind-boggling docuseries, "Who Killed WCW?", The Rock shared his totally unsolicited opinions that sound suspiciously like the perfect script for a rom-com set in a wrestling ring.

In a universe where bad decisions reign supreme, The Rock revealed, “When Vince Russo made the jump to WCW… I remember thinking, ‘Good for him. Great.’ This is the world of professional wrestling. This shit happens all the time.” And honestly, who wouldn’t want to be the face in the crowd giving a standing ovation for someone abandoning ship? Like a sad puppy watching its owner leave for a grocery trip without them—but with more spandex!

In classic WWE fashion, The Rock, the globe-trotting muscle monster, wondered just what went through Russo’s mind as he leaped from a ship sailing towards success (WWE) to a sinking vessel riddled with sharks (WCW). Maybe he thought he could commandeer the Titanic—I mean, how hard could it be to steer a sinking career, right? After all, if you’re going to write the story of your life, why not do it while clutching the steering wheel of a sinking ship?

Russo’s past has been marred by claims that he was the Karen of the wrestling world—demanding a manager’s special at a restaurant that only serves hot dogs. He notoriously denies being the reason for WCW’s demise, much like a toddler who knocked over their juice cup and insists the floor is at fault. So, while Russo continues to proclaim his innocence from a soapbox built on questionable decisions, The Rock remains the supportive friend, cheering for him from the sidelines like a very muscular cheerleader.

So, while Vince Russo pens the next chapter of his wrestling story, perhaps The Rock should offer him some of his famous movie scripts—because clearly, wrestling’s best plot twists are left in the hands of a pro. Who needs logic when you’ve got body slams and outrageous drama?

In short, let this be a reminder that in the world of wrestling creativity, every leap into the unknown could be your ticket to either fame or infamy. Until then, we’re just over here waiting for the next wrestling promo that will surely bring us tears of laughter, while wrestling itself remains the confusingly brilliant chaos we all love and adore!

🚨 Disclaimer Alert! 🚨

Before you start drafting conspiracy theories on your fridge with magnets—just know this is satire! For the actual, no-nonsense, non-bong-infused version of this news story, head over to , www.fightful.com (where facts wear suits and don’t tell jokes).

We highly recommend reading both versions—one for the truth, and one for the chaotic energy you didn’t know you needed. 😆🔥

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