Breaking News: Tropical Hellish Storm or Just Tropical “I Give Up” Band?

Gather ’round, music lovers and fans of delightful chaos! There’s a band from Melbourne, Australia, called Tropical Fuck Storm who had their grand plan for world domination snatched away like a toddler’s toy at a tantrum. Yes, in a shocking twist of events, a global pandemic decided to pop up and ruin their meticulous schedule—because who doesn’t love a bit of chaos unless it’s happening to them?

Picture this: the band, riding high on the success of their second album, Braindrops (yes, it’s called that because subtlety is for quitters), was just six months away from releasing their third magnum opus. But then BOOM! COVID-19 swoops in like a villain in a low-budget action movie, messier than a toddler’s spaghetti dinner, completely obliterating their carefully curated tour dates.

Frontman Gareth “Tear it Down” Liddiard commented on this festival of doom—saying it wrecked everything. “It’s just real shit,” he sobbed. (Well, we assume he sobbed. He might have been laughing maniacally while drinking craft beer—who can tell, really?) They had plans for two U.S. tours and three European tours, all sold out! That’s not just any tour, that’s like planning for the Olympics of live rock music—only to be hit by the metaphorical truck of doom.

So, what did they do in their time of devastation? You’d think they’d write a wholesome song or bake banana bread like the rest of us, but no! Musically paralyzed by the pandemic, Gareth cracked under the existential pressure and went full nihilist. Yes, that’s right! This band went from playing sold-out shows to the poetic idea of “give a fuck fatigue.” Mind. Blown.

Introducing their new album, Deep States (the title alone makes me think of those sleepless nights spent trying to find logic in the world), they proudly declare their aim is to deal with the crushing reality that corporate media and bad leaders can’t tell the difference between deception and their reflection in the mirror. But let’s be honest here: they pretty much wrote the band’s greatest hits from their couches instead of onstage, following up with songs about cults and conspiracy theories. Because why not? What’s a little light-hearted “QAnon? No thank you!” among friends?

If you’re wondering how they created such musical genius amidst a pandemic, the answer is simple: complete and utter madness! Imagine Gareth claiming that putting together a record remotely is like sending a pizza order from Mars—it’s never going to work! They’d rather huddle in an open-plan school room, cooking, arguing, and “making a nice mush” together. Yes, you read that right. The secret ingredient is confusion.

And let’s not forget the creation of their irresistible single “Bumma Sanger”—a track about pandemic disappointment. He even humorously noted, “It was supposed to be a summer banger,” but who knew summer would feel less like a beach party and more like a lockdown preview?! Hope you all kept your masks on while listening, because this band is serving piping hot GERMS in the form of irony.

Now, as they prepare for their national tour—one that’s been postponed so many times it’s basically become a political debate topic—Gareth admits it’s “a horrible process of canceling, re-booking, and then canceling again.” But don’t worry; they are totally chill with it. After all, it’s just another day in the life of a band whose career path resembles more of a chaotic roller coaster than a straight line.

So there you have it, folks! Tropical Fuck Storm: a band that went from on-the-verge-of-world-domination to navigating the bizarre world of cults, bummers, and chaos with a soundtrack that reminds us all of the glorious insanity we’ve experienced together. Now, go grab your tickets for their tour that is more likely to happen than your summer plans in 2020! Or is it 2021? Never mind, just buy the ticket! 🎸

🚨 Disclaimer Alert! 🚨

Before you start drafting conspiracy theories on your fridge with magnets—just know this is satire! For the actual, no-nonsense, non-bong-infused version of this news story, head over to , au.rollingstone.com (where facts wear suits and don’t tell jokes).

We highly recommend reading both versions—one for the truth, and one for the chaotic energy you didn’t know you needed. 😆🔥

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