Breaking: Bato Dela Rosa – The Mastermind of Collateral Damage!

In the latest episode of “What Did You Just Say?”, we bring you our favorite political recipe: a dash of insensitivity, a splash of cluelessness, and just the right amount of weak alibis! Say hello to the Philippine Senate’s very own flipping flop master, Bato Dela Rosa!

So, what’s the news? Well, during a drug sting that left a three-year-old girl more departed than a bad stand-up comedian on opening night, our beloved capable senator Bato declared, “S**t happens during operations.” Yes folks, a police blunder that could have made even the worst video game player blush is just classic “oopsie daisy” for Bato, who seems to have missed the “how to be a human” lecture in his training.

Instead of donning a cape and fighting crime like every kid dreams their local superheroes would, Dela Rosa, a former police chief and now a senator (because that’s an obvious career jump, right?), decided to protect his former colleagues by attempting to redefine tragedy as… wait for it… collateral damage! Perhaps he thinks we should start calling car accidents ‘collision bonuses’ next? 🙄

Imagine the scene: Bato, sporting his finest "I don’t care" expression, shrugging off the death of young Myka Ulpina as though it were an unfortunate case of forgetting to charge his phone before an important meeting. “Shit happens,” he quipped, as if he was talking about his favorite TV show getting canceled instead of the loss of an innocent life. Someone send this guy the golden “Proud Member of the Minimizing Meanwhile Club” award!

Predictably, social media exploded like a volcano of sarcasm. Social media users swiftly transformed Bato’s comments into viral gold, flooding the internet with hashtag campaigns like #BatoDoBetter and #CollateralDamageIsNotAnExcuse. It’s like they’re saying, "Thanks for playing, but you really should have stayed home on this one."

In response to Bato’s heartwarming display of empathy, the Kabataan Party-list rose from the ashes of their outrage like a phoenix. They bravely declared that Dela Rosa’s words show the government doesn’t care about kids, especially impoverished ones! Groundbreaking revelation, right? We’re shooketh!

But fear not, dear friends! Dela Rosa’s political journey takes a wild turn when human rights groups and activists come knocking. They have taken it upon themselves to start a global petition to have Bato and his pals investigated for their management style of “We mean well (sort of)” and “Let’s just say this won’t win us a Nobel Prize.”

Meanwhile, all this excitement has caught the attention of the UN Human Rights Council, who are gearing up to conduct a formal investigation and… oh wait, didn’t they ask for that last year? Awkward silence. Similar to calling that friend who always shows up late to the party. "Are we still doing this? Oh right, ‘collateral damage’."

In a plot twist edging on the ridiculous, Dela Rosa finds himself accused of crimes against humanity while the International Criminal Court was like, "Hold my snack, let me check this out." Seems like they’re still investigating how someone could manage to bungle their way into a position of authority. Maybe they should’ve done a background check or two?

As we sit back and watch this circus unfold, one thing’s for sure: humanity must be playing the world’s worst game of musical chairs – some of us are just not making it to the next round. Stay tuned for more oscar-worthy performances by Bato Dela Rosa, where every ticket comes with a side of side-eye and a basket of fries to enjoy the show! 🍟🎪

🚨 Disclaimer Alert! 🚨

Before you start drafting conspiracy theories on your fridge with magnets—just know this is satire! For the actual, no-nonsense, non-bong-infused version of this news story, head over to , interaksyon.philstar.com (where facts wear suits and don’t tell jokes).

We highly recommend reading both versions—one for the truth, and one for the chaotic energy you didn’t know you needed. 😆🔥

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