Headline: Running on High: Study Finds Weed Turns Fitness into a Hilariously Fun Activity—But Don’t Expect to Break Any Records!

Subheadline: Forget your athletic regime; just roll a fatty and roll with it!

In today’s rapidly evolving world of fitness and botanical enhancements, scientists at CU Boulder have finally cracked the age-old question: what happens when ultra-runners take a trip to Cloud Nine right before lacing up their shoes? Spoiler alert: apparently, it makes the treadmill feel more like a magic carpet ride while also helping you discover new levels of couch-lock like never before!

That’s right; researchers have officially declared their findings from the first-ever study on how good ol’ ganja affects your exercise regime. Conducted with a stellar cast of 42 Boulder-area participants who presumably were seeking nirvana on the treadmill, the revolutionary conclusion is: smoking before workouts makes you think running is a party but doesn’t do much for your pace. Who would’ve thought?!

In a stunning feat of academia, these enthusiasts rolled their way to the nearest dispensary (probably while wearing socks and sandals) and collected their personal stash of ‘motivation enhancers’—THC-dominant or CBD-rich cannabis, also known as “Green Cheerleader.” After their “pre-game show” at home, featuring snack pairing advice that will definitely not pass muster at a respectable dinner party, they got picked up by the coolest mobile laboratory in town: the CannaVan! I mean, what’s more motivating than cruising to the lab in a rolling weed van?

Surprise, surprise! The participants reported that their high-octane workouts were exponentially more enjoyable—because who doesn’t want their cardio session to feel like a musical montage? But here’s the catch: while THC had runners believing they were zooming like Olympic sprinters, it turns out they ran a casual 31 seconds slower per mile! But hey, at least they felt good about it, right? Who needs performance when you can have vibes?

According to the study, THC might make exercising feel like climbing Mount Everest, whereas CBD transforms the treadmill into a funky dance floor. But let’s be honest, the only reason you’re hitting that treadmill after a toke is because you’re avoiding a Netflix binge like a responsible adult!

And here’s the kicker: public health researchers call this phenomenon “not a performance-enhancing drug.” Shocking, I know! You mean a joint isn’t the secret ingredient to becoming the next Usain Bolt? But hey, if you want to enjoy your jog—even if you finish it four days later—it might just be your go-to strategy.

Angela Bryan and Laurel Gibson, the dynamic duo of psychology and neuroscience, even pondered whether cannabis could be a secret weapon against the epidemic of couch-potato-itis plaguing America. Allen Iverson may have famously said, "We’re talking about practice!" but these guys are all about encouraging people to put one foot in front of the other with a little high-octane cheer!

So next time you’re prepping for a run, remember: a little bit of bud could make your exercise feel ‘effortlessly enjoyable’—even if you still finish last in your local fun run. Just make sure you keep the munchies in check, or your cardio might just turn into a ‘snack-lympics!’

Shout out to all the cross-tokers out there! May your runs be slow, your smiles be wide, and your CannaVan rides be epic.

Conclusion: Weed before workouts? Sure! Just make sure you actually want to run, or you might end up with a marathon of nachos instead. 🏃‍♂️💨🍕

🚨 Disclaimer Alert! 🚨

Before you start drafting conspiracy theories on your fridge with magnets—just know this is satire! For the actual, no-nonsense, non-bong-infused version of this news story, head over to , www.colorado.edu (where facts wear suits and don’t tell jokes).

We highly recommend reading both versions—one for the truth, and one for the chaotic energy you didn’t know you needed. 😆🔥

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