Breaking News: The Great Cannabinoid Conspiracy to Sabotage Sex Lives!

In an outrageously shocking turn of events, scientists have finally uncovered the insidious truth: marijuana, also known as that laid-back, kush-loving uncle of the drug family, might be the unromantic villain in your bedroom shenanigans! Who knew, right? This shocking revelation comes after animal studies (don’t worry, no bunnies were harmed in the making of this fiasco) decided to don their lab coats and investigate just how much pot really puts the “pot” in “pothole of pleasure.”

You thought your weed was helping you vibe harder, but surprise! New research reveals that this plant superstar might actually have a knack for quashing those "fun" moments—like a really bad stand-up comedian at an open mic night. Instead of making you last longer in bed (sorry, dudes), it may just put the brakes on your little soldier’s ability to salute. That’s right! It turns out, while you’re puffing away like a chimney, your erectile tissue might just be attending a very boring tea party instead of gearing up for some action.

Let’s take a moment to highlight what we’ve dubbed the male dilemma of marijuana: you think you’re getting down for hours, but reality says you’re just fumbling like a rookie at the local bowling alley. According to Dr. Justin Lehmiller, the beacon of sober research, it’s less about lasting finesse and more about altered perception. So while you’re thinking it feels like a wet and wild three-hour cruise, it might just be a soggy voyage of thirty bewildering minutes. Woops!

But wait, before you toss your stash out the window like you’re on an episode of "Breaking Bad: The Early Years," this news isn’t all doom and gloom! Turns out, just like everything in life, balance is key. A little toke here and there might lower your inhibitions enough to unleash your inner Casanova—until you accidentally outdo yourself and encounter what scientists are now calling "The Great Weed Wall," where your desire finds itself feeling more like a cardboard cutout than a Broadway star!

The research also hints that habitual users, aka your neighbor Dave who’s been "going green" since 2001, are three times more likely to experience erectile dysfunction. So, if Dave invites you over for his "Cannabis Cocktails" brunch, maybe think twice!

In summary: smoking a modest amount might just make you the chillest sex god that ever lived, while too much could transform you into the “No-way-Jose” of bedroom basketball. So go ahead, light up and get comfy, but just accept that your sex life might be hovering somewhere between "meh" and "what was I thinking?" Cheers to science for making our dating lives just a tad more confusing…now, where’s that cheese platter? 🧀💨 #HighExpectations #NotSoHighPerformance

🚨 Disclaimer Alert! 🚨

Before you start drafting conspiracy theories on your fridge with magnets—just know this is satire! For the actual, no-nonsense, non-bong-infused version of this news story, head over to , metro.co.uk (where facts wear suits and don’t tell jokes).

We highly recommend reading both versions—one for the truth, and one for the chaotic energy you didn’t know you needed. 😆🔥

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