*Breaking News: Local Senator Declares “Sht Happens” Amid Another Tragic Event in Philippine Drug War**

In the epic saga of “What’s That Smell?”—a thrilling drama that combines the worst of reality television with a tragic crime thriller—our very own real-life superhero, Senator Ronald dela Rosa, has emerged to remind us that life is a glorious game of chance. And sometimes, apparently, life comes with a side of tragic collateral damage, like the very sad story of three-year-old Myka Ulpina. Dela Rosa, freshly minted as a senator and a former chief of police in an acclaimed, “totally not a big deal” drug war, justified the killing of this wee little angel during a police raid as mere “collateral damage.”

Yes, that’s right, folks! If you ever needed a reminder that sometimes life is just one big game of Russian roulette, you can always count on political figures to downplay tragedy with the finesse of a toddler smashing a cake with both hands.

Speaking at a press conference, Senator Dela Rosa, master of the sarcastic arts, assured us that “shit happens.” Because, hey, the world is an imperfect place where occasionally, super-heroes in badge-wearing garb forget to read the room (or the target) during high-stakes drug busts. He did clarify, though, that no police officer would ever want to shoot a child…unless, you know, there’s a major misunderstanding that leads to them being tragically caught in the crossfire.

Now, if you’re wondering how this all plays out, the plot thickens! Apparently, in a plot twist ripped straight from a superhero comic book, Myka’s father—who was allegedly a suspected drug dealer—decided to let his daughter serve as his very own human shield during the police operation. That’s right, folks! No powers for bad guys, just questionable parenting choices. Dela Rosa’s understudy, Police Spokesman Bernard Banac, jumped right on the bandwagon, citing, "It cannot be helped if there was an accident.”

Yeah, maybe the only “accident” here was thinking it was a good idea to allow muggles to use children as shields in drug wars. But hey, let’s keep blaming the guy who apparently brought his daughter to a professional disagreement with law enforcement! It’s like bringing a rubber chicken to a knife fight—unconventional, and definitely not a good idea.

Meanwhile, in a dramatic subplot, Myka’s mother vehemently disputes the police’s narrative—plot twist! A family feud full of intrigue and tension, everyone’s got a side. Twenty police officers have been suspended, seemingly outdoing each other in a wild game of “who’s the worst at their job” while an investigation slogs along in the background, much like your great aunt’s old jalopy trying to start up after sitting idle for the winter.

As the official death toll of the Philippines’ war on drugs hovers around 5,000 (but who’s counting? Definitely not the human rights groups, who estimate it at over 12,000), perhaps Senator Dela Rosa and his merry band of police officers need a bit of a reality check—or at least a heartfelt “congratulations” on winning the “Who Can Dismiss Human Tragedy the Fastest” game.

Meanwhile, as the International Criminal Court drops by for a little “fact-finding mission,” Dela Rosa is out here declaring diplomatic offense at the notion that anyone would dare scrutinize his heroic endeavors. He insists that foreign “propagandists” are just giving “outrageous interference” a whole new meaning.

So let’s take a moment to celebrate the charm of politicians who minimize human life with a twinkle in their eye and a smirk on their lips. Together, let’s remember that in the eloquently expressive words of Dela Rosa, “shit happens”—and boy, do we live in a world where the absurd is in abundance!

🚨 Disclaimer Alert! 🚨

Before you start drafting conspiracy theories on your fridge with magnets—just know this is satire! For the actual, no-nonsense, non-bong-infused version of this news story, head over to , www.theguardian.com (where facts wear suits and don’t tell jokes).

We highly recommend reading both versions—one for the truth, and one for the chaotic energy you didn’t know you needed. 😆🔥

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