Breaking News: New Jersey Discovers Bud-Drenched Path to Economic Recovery!

🎉Hold onto your bagels, folks, because recreational marijuana sales have finally lit up the streets of New Jersey! Yes, after what feels like 1,000 coffee breaks and an untold number of heart-to-heart sessions about the state’s “I’m not high, I’m just sleepy” vibes, Governor Murphy has unleashed the green gold, making New Jersey the 18th state to join the “Let’s Get Lit” club. 🥳

As of this past Thursday, adults aged 21 and older can legally strut into a store like it’s a 90s rave scene and pick out their favorite strains of cannabis. Yes, those strains! How could they resist the allure of “Easy Street,” “What’s It Gonna Take?” and, of course, our personal favorite: “Is It Friday Yet?”

Late-night talk show hosts have seized the opportunity to hurl New Jersey’s slowness into the limelight— because why not? Stephen Colbert quipped that New Yorkers will now have to muster the courage to drive across state lines, you know, as if crossing into Narnia could be some sort of ‘weed pilgrimage’! 🚗💨 Can you imagine? “Hey, guys, let’s hit New Jersey for a little ‘nature therapy.’”

Colbert also threw out some absolutely creative weed strain names, which included Jon Bong Jovi (look out world, it’s a hit!), Bruce Springstrain (the one-hit wonder of weed), Joint Stewart (not the guy who has you zoning out in math class), and Stoney Soprano’s Ganjagool (a classic that tastes like your grandmother’s cooking, if your grandmother had a PhD in horticulture)! 🌿

Wait, wait, wait! Let’s address the genius level of New Jersey’s decision to wait until after 4/20 to legalize weed. Really, New Jersey? That’s like waiting for the year to end before deciding to buy a calendar. I mean—what are they, high?!

As if that wasn’t enough, our favorite goofy talk host James Corden warned New Jersey folks not to get too lost in the clouds— because if they smoke too much, they might forget their own children’s names! “Hey, where’s the kid? Ohhh, forgot about him— just like I forgot about the last time I dusted the shelves!” Remember folks, moderation is key!

And Jimmy Fallon chimed in, pointing out that launching weed sales a whole day late is like waiting until Cinco de Mayo to throw a nacho party—be a hero, people, this is New Jersey! 🍕➡️🌿

Now, let’s spill the beans! Seven operators, already dabbling in medical dispensaries like they’re secret agents in a cannabis espionage movie, have sprung into action with 13 locations scattered across the state. From the southern shores to the north, they’ve got all the bases covered like squirrelly teenagers at prom.

Did you know that New Jersey estimates around 800,000 recreational users will flood in, along with thousands of daring out-of-staters willing to risk it all for a puff of the good stuff (aka, the “OK, we’re doing this”) moment? Talk about an economic boom—quarterbacking their way through a veritable gold rush like they just discovered WiFi!

Roughly two-thirds of residents banded together to vote for legalization in the great weed referendum of 2020— a heroic outcome akin to the Avengers assembling, but with more munchies and less CGI. So grab your bongs, don your best high-as-a-kite expressions, and get your wallets ready—because New Jersey just happily stumbled into the 420th dimension of economic prosperity! 🌈💨

Remember folks, keep calm and stay stoned—after all, this is New Jersey, where the only crime is waiting too long to light up!

🚨 Disclaimer Alert! 🚨

Before you start drafting conspiracy theories on your fridge with magnets—just know this is satire! For the actual, no-nonsense, non-bong-infused version of this news story, head over to , www.phillyvoice.com (where facts wear suits and don’t tell jokes).

We highly recommend reading both versions—one for the truth, and one for the chaotic energy you didn’t know you needed. 😆🔥

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