Breaking News: Soccer Analyst’s Life Goals Missed Like a Penalty Kick at the World Cup

In today’s episode of “Why is Everyone Still Watching Soccer?”—wait, are we still calling it soccer?—we had Taylor Twellman, the ESPN soccer analyst who is just as relevant in the sports world as a VHS tape in 2023, strutting his way onto the show like he’s about to drop the hottest mixtape no one asked for. Mr. Cat and Mr. Commenter, the duo known for their keen ability to sidestep any actual sports analysis, were graced with Twellman’s presence to dissect the latest USA match against Wales, which apparently ended in a draw or something… because who can keep track anymore?

But hold onto your overpriced nachos because this story takes a turn sharper than a David Beckham free kick. Back in 2006, while most of us were blissfully unaware of the world of soccer (and life was ironically simpler), Twellman was left off the USMNT World Cup team—a blow so deep, it made getting a splinter feel like a spa day. The reason? Well, that’s a complicated tapestry of missed opportunities and questionable selections. Perhaps it’s like that time you decided not to invite your best friend to the party because they still rock Ed Hardy shirts; it’s messy!

Now, 16 years later, we’ve got Taylor with the wisdom of Yoda and the charm of a warm puppy. On today’s show, he reportedly said something genuinely uplifting like, “Life is like a box of chocolates; sometimes you just get the weird nougat ones!” I’m paraphrasing, of course. But hey, he spun that negativity around faster than a soccer ball kicked by someone who actually knows what they’re doing, asserting that, “Shit happens.” Yes, folks, life isn’t always a perfectly executed bicycle kick—sometimes it’s just a bunch of people running around in a field chasing a ball and wondering what the heck they’re doing.

Sure, it would have been absolutely phenomenal for Twellman to have played in that World Cup. But, as fate would have it, he’s now one of the biggest faces on ESPN’s soccer coverage—because apparently, that’s a thing. It’s either that or become a full-time consultant for soccer memes, and let’s be honest, the world already has enough of those.

So cheers to Taylor Twellman! The man’s positivity is like choosing a double scoop of ice cream after a breakup—you just can’t go wrong! Here’s hoping he graces us with more of his brilliance on PMT soon so we can all laugh and cry at the futility of missed opportunities while eating overpriced stadium snacks! Tag your friend who also "gets it!" 🍕⚽💔

🚨 Disclaimer Alert! 🚨

Before you start drafting conspiracy theories on your fridge with magnets—just know this is satire! For the actual, no-nonsense, non-bong-infused version of this news story, head over to , www.barstoolsports.com (where facts wear suits and don’t tell jokes).

We highly recommend reading both versions—one for the truth, and one for the chaotic energy you didn’t know you needed. 😆🔥

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