Title: Kamala Harris: America’s Funt Aunt – Arresting Buds and Breaking Hearts!

Ladies and gentlemen, gather ‘round, for we have a latest episode of "As the Political World Turns" brought to you by none other than Saturday Night Live! Last weekend’s premiere had all the ingredients for a disaster movie: a dubious history, a little cannabis confusion, and plenty of awkward chuckles sprinkled on top!

Picture this: the stage lights dim, and like a shining beacon of confused liberty, in struts Maya Rudolph, channeling her inner Kamala Harris! I mean, if there were Oscars for impersonation, she’d walk away with a lifetime supply of all the gold!

In a parody resembling a Democratic presidential debate, our star took the wheel and decided to spin her storied career as the former district attorney and hottest marijuana prosecutor of San Francisco into a hilarious tale. “I’m also America’s cool aunt,” Rudolph’s Harris declared with the zeal of an over-caffeinated camp counselor. “A fun aunt! The kind that gives you weed but then arrests you for smoking it!”

I mean, who needs vigilante justice when you’ve got family-fueled hypocrisy, right? Forget the family dinners where you survive on awkward conversations; you might walk away with a record because Aunt Kamala’s gonna take both your joint and your freedom.

But our heroine isn’t just a regular fun aunt; she’s a multi-faceted legal wonder! She’s the type to send you off to your school’s basketball practice with a bag of gummy bears—only to then report you for carrying too much sugar! Racking up a jaw-dropping 1,500 marijuana arrests while laughing it up on live TV? Now that’s a level of baffling PR one dreams of while bingeing on fruitcake leftovers!

Let’s not ignore her opponents; they’ve been savagely tearing into her like kids at a piñata party. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, for example, was like, “Wow, Kamala, you’d think this is a comedy show instead of serious debates about people going to jail!” Honestly, it’s a wonder Gabbard didn’t pull out a popcorn bucket mid-debate!

Meanwhile, Sen. Cory Booker took his shots, claiming that while Harris giggles about her pot usage, the rest of the nation’s clinging onto its criminal record tighter than a toddler to its favorite blankie. “Hey, Kamala! In 2017, we had more people getting arrested for weed than for all sorts of violent crimes combined!”

You have to hand it to Booker; that’s the kind of mic drop that could start a mosh pit at a knitting convention!

At the end of the skit, our embattled senator shared her thoughts on Rudolph’s portrayal, sharing a cheeky tweet that read, “That girl being played by Maya Rudolph? That girl was me.” Sorry, Kamala, it’s hard to focus on you when we’re still trying to figure out if you’re the niece we love or the aunt we’ve got a restraining order against.

So here we are, folks: while Kamala may have evolved into a pro-marijuana reform juggernaut (which is as believable as a cat learning algebra), her past will haunt her like an uninvited ghost at a family reunion. So next time you light up or scrounge for that last slice of pizza at brunch, just remember, that could be classic Aunt Kamala staring down at you with a smirk, clutching handcuffs like the world’s most confused secret Santa.

And remember, if you see Kamala at a family function, just stick to the salad!

🚨 Disclaimer Alert! 🚨

Before you start drafting conspiracy theories on your fridge with magnets—just know this is satire! For the actual, no-nonsense, non-bong-infused version of this news story, head over to , www.marijuanamoment.net (where facts wear suits and don’t tell jokes).

We highly recommend reading both versions—one for the truth, and one for the chaotic energy you didn’t know you needed. 😆🔥

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