7 Documentaries That Will Make You Wonder If Humanity’s Just One Cheech & Chong Movie Away From Total Anarchy

Welcome to the dawn of the green revolution! You might have seen your neighbor’s grow tent, heard about weed-infused macaroons being a “thing,” or noticed your dad has taken to gardening like he’s auditioning for Pimp My Garden. Fear not, for the movers and shakers of the cannabis industry have blessed us with a glorious lineup of documentaries that could make even the fluffiest stoner sit bolt upright (before they inevitably forget what they were just thinking).

So, grab your most comfortable couch snack (which is probably Cheetos, let’s be real) and settle in. Here are the 7 best cannabis documentaries that have ever graced the screen, or at least the YouTube Recommended section at 2 AM.

1. Weed the People

Spoiler Alert: The U.S. Government Might Not Be the Best at Science.

Directed by Abby Epstein, this heart-wrenching yet eye-opening documentary chronicles the plight of families battling the forces of childhood cancer without the magical, herbal help of weed. Imagine fighting a dragon while the legal system hands you a broomstick and tells you to make potions—this is their reality. This 2018 film is like if The Hunger Games were based on actual struggles and featured fewer poorly written love triangles.

2. High Country: The Future of Weed

It’s Not Just Functioning Stoners Anymore.

Created by VICE, this documentary trials the weed beginnings in Colorado—where weed is so legal that even your grandma might accidentally ask to be served at a dispensary instead of a restaurant. Watch as they walk us through the multiple uses of the cannabis plant, including a growth cycle so efficient it could probably power your smartphone with just vibes. Spoiler: Your local farmer’s market just turned into an episode of Shark Tank.

3. Super High Me

Because Who Needs a Scientific Study When You Have A Comedian?

Comedian Doug Benson decided to sacrifice his brain cells for the sake of research (seriously, don’t try this at home, kids!). In Super High Me, he smokes weed every day for 30 days and documents the results. And what did we learn? We learned that watching this documentary is just as enlightening as watching someone try to parallel park after ten wake-and-bakes—hilarity, confusion, and a distinct lack of success all wrapped into one.

4. A NORML Life

Brew yourself a cup of “Wow, We Really Messed That Up.”

Journey back to the days when marijuana was basically a crime against humanity. In this gem directed by Rod Pitman, interviews reveal that, yes, people once believed weed would turn you into a saxophone-playing zombie who can’t pay rent. One can only assume this was also the original pitch for The Walking Dead.

5. Grass Is Greener

Snoop Dogg and Friends Are Here to Educate/Party.

Directed by Fab 5 Freddie, this documentary is packed with sass and history, showcasing the complex and tangled web that is the history of weed in America. With insights from rap legends like Snoop Dogg, this film isn’t just a documentary—it’s a masterclass in why history needs a soundtrack (and why jazz clubs need a return of the jazz cigarette).

6. The Culture High

When Drug Wars Have More Drama Than Your Ex’s Instagram Feed.

Directed by Brett Harvey, this award-winning documentary does the hard work of revealing the myths surrounding cannabis. It features Joe Rogan, who seems to effortlessly weave through complicated topics like he’s tossing a frisbee at a picnic. If you think weed laws are outdated, just wait until you hear why one flower has garnered a stigma worse than a high school cafeteria lunch.

7. Breaking Habits

It’s Like an Episode of Nuns Gone Wild, But, You Know, With Cannabidiol.

In this comedic yet somehow heartwarming documentary, Sister Kate and her crew of cannabis-loving nuns take it upon themselves to elevate pain while growing green—literally. Here’s the kicker: They’re not just saving souls, but also helping with people’s ailments. Because why shouldn’t nuns with a heart of gold also green-thumb their way into everyone’s hearts?

Conclusion: Puff, Pass, and Learn

These films aren’t just about getting high; they’re about riding the rollercoaster of humanity’s affairs with our leafy green friend, cannabis. Whether you’re tuning in for laughs, cries, or just to feel validated in your obsession with pot, this collection has got you covered—no pressure, but you’ll definitely be the coolest kid on the block if you watch them all.

So, what’s your favorite cannabis documentary? Let us know in the comments before the snacks distract you completely! 🍃✨

🚨 Disclaimer Alert! 🚨

Before you start drafting conspiracy theories on your fridge with magnets—just know this is satire! For the actual, no-nonsense, non-bong-infused version of this news story, head over to , theilluminerdi.com (where facts wear suits and don’t tell jokes).

We highly recommend reading both versions—one for the truth, and one for the chaotic energy you didn’t know you needed. 😆🔥

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